TOSKANI Antiageing Cocktail 提供多种抗衰老功效以及强大的保湿和嫩肤效果。
Antiageing Cocktail 由五种精心混合的成分制成,旨在共同作用以减少细纹和皱纹、促进胶原蛋白生成、
减少老年斑和紧致肌肤。透明质酸以其抗衰老功效而闻名,它与肉碱和 DMAE 以及丙酮酸和 Argireline 相结合,
TOSKANI Antiageing Cocktail offers multiple anti-ageing benefits and powerful moisturising and
skin rejuvenation effects. Made from five carefully blended ingredients, the Antiageing Cocktail is designed
to work in combination to reduce lines and wrinkles, boost collagen production, minimise age spots
and firm the skin. Known for its anti-ageing benefits, hyaluronic acid is combined with Carnitine and DMAE,
as well as Pyruvate and Argireline to create a powerful cocktail to tackle flaccidity and ageing skin.
Indications: Advanced and severe wrinkles, Flaccidity, Biological age 45+